Friday, April 30, 2010

5 Ways to Look Stylish on a Budget

If you, like many others are having to tighten your purse strings, don't despair. It really is possible to look stylish without spending lots of money. In many cases, those have lots of money are far from stylish. By thinking carefully about your wardrobe, you can look stylish on a budget.

Here are 5 great ways to do so.

1. Look at your existing wardrobe and decide what you really need. Think carefully about what items will be suitable for your lifestyle and that you are likely to wear often. Also think about what will suit your body shape and what sort of styles you like. You can research types of clothes and what body shapes look best in what using magazines and books. You should also think about what clothes will compliment the clothes that you already have in your wardrobe.

2. Clear out any clothes that you have not worn for over a year. You can swap these clothes for something that you need or will wear. Alternatively, you can sell them and use the money to buy yourself something new.

3. Look for second hand clothes. This is a great way to get great quality clothes at a fraction of the cost of new clothes. Often second hand clothes are almost as good as new and have hardly been worn. There is a huge choice of second hand clothes available through second hand clothes websites.

4. If you do buy new clothes shop around. Price comparison websites, discount voucher codes, seasonal sales and designer sample sales are all great ways of getting a bargain but remember to stick to your list of what you need.

5. Always by clothes that will not go out of fashion. If you opt for quality basics, they will be a real investment as they will last for many years to come. You can always update your look a bit each season with some accessories.

This article was written by Ceri Heathcote for, a website for swapping, buying and selling second hand and vintage clothing.
Clothes swap and buying and selling second hand clothes is a great way to reduce the impact of fashion on the environment and to save money.

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